Module szyfrow.language_model_files

Descriptions of English, used for building language models.

Language models are for understanding what English looks like, for help with cipher breaking.

  • count_1l.txt: counts of single letters
  • count_2l.txt: counts of pairs letters, bigrams
  • count_3l.txt: counts of triples of letters, triagrams
  • words.txt: a dictionary of words, used for keyword-based cipher breaking. These words should only contain characters cointained in string.ascii_letters.

See szyfrow/language_models for how these files are used.

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"""Descriptions of English, used for building language models. 

Language models are for understanding what English looks like, for help with 
cipher breaking.

* `count_1l.txt`: counts of single letters
* `count_2l.txt`: counts of pairs letters, bigrams
* `count_3l.txt`: counts of triples of letters, triagrams
* `words.txt`: a dictionary of words, used for keyword-based cipher breaking.
  These words should only contain characters cointained in 

See [`szyfrow/language_models`](../support/language_models.html) for how these files are used.